Sunday 26 July 2015


Learning to take a successful picture from web cam.

Monday's weather chart

 Our weather today is  raining and cold.

There are 10 people in our class today.

There are 0  people away today.

We have 8 boys here today. 

We have 2 girls here today.

Our Classroom Slide show

Look at our room. We will update our photos during the school year. 

Wednesday 15 July 2015



Hi and welcome to Frankton School. My name is Ms Vickie Sue and I am proud to be your child's teacher. I have been teaching at Frankton School for 5 years. Teaching in the New Entrant and Junior School area.  I have 5 year old boy, Damian who has been at school for 2 terms.  Parents and Caregivers, please encourage your child to self-manage themselves in the morning by putting books bags away, going to the toilet and getting a drink before school starts. Shoes are to be placed in the bag area at the back of the classroom.  At the end of the day, please check the named pocket bag  at the back of the room for notices your child may have missed out. I hope your child has a fun day at school and making lots of new friends in our class and with the other children in our New Entrant team.   I hope you all have had a well deserved break and settling your child(ren)  into school routines.  Please remember school begins at 8.50 am and finishes at 2.50 pm. If you want to discuss your child's progress please see me in the morning to arrange a time that is suitable.

To the Children in Room 31, Welcome to your first day at school. I hope you have fun and  make lots of friends in our class and also with the other children in our New Entrant Team.

Ms Vickie Sue
Class Teacher